Self-driving cars, recommendation systems, or recognition systems… There is no doubt, but in today’s world, we are at the point where science fiction becomes our reality day by day. Well, how did we come to that point? How are machines programmed to mimic human actions, to learn by themselves, or to solve problems? How do we get computers to act without being explicitly programmed, that is to say, how machine learning is achieved?
In the field of Computer Science (CS), we see that machine learning is one of the hottest topics in AI, in which computer algorithms are used so that the machines can autonomously learn from data and information; and change and improve their algorithms by themselves. As CS students, we wanted to build a classification project, namely “Trouvaille”, a lucky find.
Trouvaille has been optimally designed so that people can find the music they want. In fact, this desire has existed since the earliest times of human beings, and there are programs produced to meet this. But this request will now be met in the fastest and most beautiful way. In other words, in the most “Trouvaille” way …
The music industry is indeed a huge and valuable industry and at the same time a need for people. We developed Trouvaille to give more accurate answers to what people are looking for in such a valuable field. Trouvaille will provide a machine learning algorithm by combining high-quality music files that we have collected from many sources with the right algorithms. In this way, we aim to make a study that predicts the type and emotion of the music given with high accuracy.